Why can’t I login to my account?

How to solve problems with logging in

This issue could be a result of one of the following situations:

1. Internet connection issue
2. Incorrect username
3. Wrong password

1. Internet connection issue
If you're experiencing difficulties with the website's loading process intermittently or consistently, it could be an issue with your internet connection that's obstructing your login.
To verify this, attempt to load a widely used and reliable website like google.com. If it's successful and the Google website loads, it's a positive indication that your internet connection is at least partially operational.
If Google fails to load, you might be dealing with a more significant issue than inability to login to a website and you may need to call your internet service provider.

2. Incorrect username or password
If you encounter the error message 'Sorry, that isn't quite right. Please try again.', it indicates a problem with the username or the password you've entered.
Are you utilizing the same email with which the account was created?
It's fairly usual for individuals to maintain multiple email addresses. If you're attempting to login to the Zenn.com website with your work email when you actually registered with your personal one, or vice versa, it won't be successful. Ensure you're using the correct email.
Review the email you've entered for spelling accuracy, there could be a typographical error.

3. Wrong password
The most frequent reason for inability to login to a website is incorrect password. Try double-checking with the following suggestions:
If you have Caps Lock enabled while entering your password, it will be entirely in uppercase, hence not matching the actual password, and the website won't grant you access. Ensure Caps Lock is deactivated (most keyboards have a small light on the key indicating its status - press it to deactivate) and try entering your password again.
Double-check if you're entering the correct password for the site.
If you've recently changed your password, you might be mistakenly typing the old one or your browser or Password Manager extension could be auto-filling the old, incorrect password.
If you've forgotten your password, you can reset it by following the steps.

Go to Zenn.com and in the top right, press “Login”. On the login page, select “Forgot password? Click here”. This will take you to a page where you can enter your email. If we have this email attached to your account, we’ll send you a password reset link. We hope one of these works! If this still doesn’t help, reach out to us, via our chatbot in the bottom right of zenn.com. We look forward to hearing from you.